Tuesday, May 10, 2011

beyond good and evil

自己說分開的時候, 我也情願承認我是個壞人, 不值得你愛.

但, 愛不愛, 就是善與惡之分嗎?
因為不愛而離開, 是種惡嗎...?

Quotes, from Essays in Love

'It is surprising how often rejection in love is framed in moral language, the language of right and wrong, good and evil, as though to reject or not reject, to love or not to love, was something that naturally belonged to a branch of ethics.'

'I learnt that humans stood in a relation of negative liberty towards one another, duty-bound not to hurt others, but certainly not forced to love one another if they did not wish......one cannot blame a lover for loving or not loving, for it is a matter beyond their choice and hence responsibility - though what makes rejection in love harder to bear...... is that one did once see the lover loving...... the lover loved, perhaps only a short while ago, which makes the reality of the claim I cannot love you any more all the harder to digest.'

P.S.現在終於明白當年他跟我分開之後的狠心, 可能這是他讓我傷害最少的方法...

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