Friday, June 27, 2008

After. 離留記

留低我倆所愛的 一點一滴
然後 永遠 記在心裡

都話, caption係好重要架...
這次, 我被它吸引了

可惜在... 什麼都交待得太清清楚楚
太多前言, 欠缺了戲劇的張力


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Workshop. Level 2 (1)

等左好耐...終於又可以上level 2既workshop啦~~

今晚, 我又帶走了一點點, 了解了自己一點點

我們8+1個人的秘密 :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

To Cherrie & Brian

回到家後, 你倆各自問我相同的問題
好感動... 不知我是哪裡來的福氣, 讓我有這麼好的朋友 :)

現在總想試好多好多東西, 而這些經歷正讓我知道
原來 我可以 可以做得好好

最重要是, 這種快樂的感覺,
是由看到自己的進步, 是從感到自己努力的過程, 是從了解自己而來的

我比以前情感豐富了, 看到小事情也會變得多愁善感
也總有一個人, 孤單的時候
到時侯, 你們的膊頭可會留給我?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Site from the Air

So great that i can have the chance of joining the shooting of progress photographs from the AIR~
and to have excellent fine weather for aerial photography, no disgusting smoggy :)
The pilot said that we can just enjoy this kind of fine weather in HK for less than twenty-something days per year.
How lucky I am!!

To get best view for shooting the side door of the helicopter shall be removed, so one-third of the photographer's body is 'hanging freely' outside the helicopter.
sounds dangerous but the photographer adapted it quite well...

Barging point for transportation of excavated materials at Kai Tak

For me, I didn't miss any chance for shooting... =P
Maybe I'm just too concentrated to take some good shots, or maybe too busy to note the topographic settings & geomorphology of the site...
I find that I didn't have any fear of heights at all~

Excavation works as well as construction of site office in progress

P.S.Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED - Highly recommended though it's really expensive. really worth if you like landscape shots.

Friday, June 20, 2008

feeling alive


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Song of the Nite: Live High

Tonight's bowling is so funny
(and this is the first time i didn't score less than 60 for all games.. haha..)
it won't be that fun with too many people
and also it won't be that fun without u 2 & with all your cool gestures man!! :P

and i've got a good news... for sure it will gonna be another memorable moments in my life
just keep it as a little secret now and will let u know later :)

And this is my song for tonight~

Live High - Jason Mraz
I try to picture a girl through a looking glass
See her as a carbon atom
See her eyes and stare back at them
See that girl as her own new world
Though a home is on the surface, she is still a universe

Glory God, oh God is peeking through the blinds
Are we all here standing naked
Taking guesses at the actual date and time
Oh my, justifying reasons why
Is an absolutely insane resolution to live by

Live high Live mighty
Live righteously
Takin it easy
Live high Live mighty
Live righteously

I try to picture the man to always have an open hand
See him as a giving tree
See him as matter, matter fact he's not a beast
No not the devil either
Always a good deed doer
And it's laughter that we're making after all

The call of the wild is still an order nation why
And the order of the primates
All our politics are too late
Oh my, the congregation in my mind
Is this assembly singing gratitude
Practicing their loving for you

Just take it easy
And celebrate the malleable reality
See nothing that's ever as it seems
This life is but a dream

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

new lovess

new love #1:
just becoz she's called daisy :)
new love #2:

Monday, June 16, 2008

After. King's Singers Hong Kong Concert


這是今天晚上聽King's Singers的感覺, 也是之前聽的幾個A Capella團隊不能給我的
殿堂級A Capella合唱團果然不同凡響

最驚喜的, 莫過於以一首'上海灘'為這個演唱會劃上一個完美的句號
(又, 鬼佬唱廣東話歌真的好好笑)

P.S. King's Singers 的官方網頁把樂隊名稱翻譯為'國王歌手', 可我們香港宣傳及單張則譯為'英皇合唱團', 我還是比較喜歡港譯的名字, 可能帶有點點舊殖民的氣息吧.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

愛. 在意

有好一段時間, 我想去回答... 究竟, 'What is Love?'
我能感覺, 但不懂得描述.
終於, 看到一個頗能說出我感覺的文章

節錄. 馬家輝《死在這裡也不錯》





有一個老問號是﹕What is love﹖


英文有個很平淡卻又很有力量的句子叫做「couldn't care less」,可以譯做「毫不在乎」,等同廣東話的「話之你死」。當你敢向對方說couldn't care less,你們之間便不僅不再有愛更必有怨,因為你不在意對方是否受到傷害,相信我,一旦遇上機會,你將忍不住把他傷害。


Friday, June 13, 2008

yly popo

- 戴老花眼鏡用電腦
- 呢頭講完掉轉頭又講多次
- 熱辣辣都飲暖水, 唔可以食太多生冷食品
- 超長氣 (唔單止煩同grade既, 連老闆都煩埋)
- 出一陣site就嗌累
- 好鍾意講'小時候'
- 放工後唔逛街要返屋企, 好怕識新朋友仔

... yly真係好快變成一個獨居婆婆啦...

MAMA b-day dinner 節錄:

家人b: err...
家人a: 呢, 陳太個女呀......
全體: .........-.-"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

山泥傾瀉 . 天然滑坡

百年一遇的雨, geotech的同業又會好忙了
好像我們的市道跟災害是不能分割的... (好像有點誇張 :P)

或者今次做back analysis搵debris velocity, debris thickness甚至runout,
都可以用youtube幫忙了 =P

根本不robust也不cost effective (haa, 我在倒自己米...)
不過,不管城市有多進步, 有時天然災害可以離我們好近

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Song of the Day: 一個不懂騎機車的傻子

原來我多年來的'手腳不協調症', 是不治之症
繼彈鋼琴之後, 今次係摩托車!!!!

為香港既道路使用者著想, 我還是要三思而行......

一個不懂騎機車的傻子 - 星盒子
一個不懂騎機車的傻子 坐在你的後面一起兜風去 我跟你好像不太熟悉
小小機車兩個人有點擠 我的雙手不知該放哪裡去 看見你腰間有點空隙

我想抱著你 緊緊抱著你
不需要經過你的同意 借口著怕會被甩下去
我想抱著你 緊緊抱著你
我知我倆各自有愛侶 回憶不想就這樣失去
抱緊吧 把他們忘記

晨早輕風迎面吹送微涼 吹送給我你的笑語跟髮香 那就是最美味的早餐
身邊車子匆匆交通繁忙 快點加速左穿右插不能慢 不怕危險理由十分簡單

我想抱著你 緊緊抱著你
不需要經過你的同意 借口著怕會被甩下去
我想抱著你 緊緊抱著你
我知我倆各自有愛侶 回憶不想就這樣失去
抱緊吧(暫時) 把他們忘記

Monday, June 09, 2008

After. 七月好風

讓我十分期待 (足足等了兩個星期...)

導演把陳慧的味道拍出來了 -
那種逝去的老情懷, 及身邊我們都容易遺忘的小事情/小事物

最重要是 要懂得回家
...... 其實可以勇敢回去,有些事情可以重來

怎樣才看到太陽? 看到影子的時候
怎樣才看到風? 看到樹上葉子晃動的時候...

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Work after the Black Rainstorm (it's OT!) @.@


今天還是第一次... 因暴雨關係下午要返回地盤工作
工地旁的山坡有個小小的山泥傾瀉, 雖然不是於工地之內也與我們的作業無關, 但我們尊貴的client大人還是立刻出地盤巡邏.
還好我們地盤的問題(如泥水, 淤塞渠道等等)不是太嚴重, 可能之前client大人施加予我們同contractor既壓力讓我們不敢怠慢吧 =P

唉, 希望未來幾個月還是不要有這麼多風雨啦, 如果唔係真係寫report寫到手軟呀...

我們真的是work hard play hard架 :)

That's what they said about my photo

The photo competition is over...
Although I'm not the winner but I'm just so touched by the comments from fellow colleagues all over the world...

wow, seems I can really take story telling photographs :D
(btw, the theme is 'water and/or shelter')

So that's what they said about my photo...
"Meets both of the criteria and tells a powerful story"
"This photo shows how capitalism and serfdom are also the biggest dangers to the environment, along with poor design."
"It incorporates both water & shelter and the need for good shelter, but with how it affect actual people"
"Has water, shelter and man"
"This photo also shows how water and shelter are connected"
"1,000,000 words"
"incorporates both water and shelter very well"
"Good, technical picture. Could be placed in National Geographic"
"The photo links the themes of water and shelter together. I love the simplicity of daily life captured so clearly."
"Links the 2 themes. It evokes an emotional response and doesn't need a long title or explanation."
"Well composed and the colour of the water in which he is washing speaks volumes"
"How shelter is so sparse for so many and the reliance on water so great"
"survival by living on water; danger of self pollution"
"Typifies the closeness to poverty of so many and need for clean water sources for improvement of life"
"Best sums up the theme - water as most things in life is both good and bad, it can be destructive due to the power of the elements, it can be deadly due to pollution, yet we can't live without it and the poor aren't in a position to make choices!"
"A very direct image of poverty in many forms shown in one place."
"The reliance upon the water on which they live but the scant regard for sanitation & hygiene"
"Unique lifestyle"
"Creativity and Impact"
"It shows how close the tie between humanity and water can be"
"health and water in one picture- awesome impact on me"
"it had the greatest impact on my heart when i viewed the images"
"There is amazing beauty in this photo which conflicts with the poverty and unsanitary existence of that man's life."
"This image has such a fresh vibrant palette, yet something in it's subject matter really subdues it for me. Possibly the person working away, possibly the condition of the shelter. Something that at first glance could pass for a playful image is actually on closer inspection very sobering - that's why I like it."

Friday, June 06, 2008

After. 勁金歌曲

仲有飛買呀~~ 二字尾三字出頭必看 :)


流行曲.. 是時代的見證, 也是我成長的見證
同一首歌, 對不同的人都有不同意義

突然記得小時候 好難才儲夠錢買唱片

現在才發現 小小的ipod竟載著二千八百七十一首
我正在慢慢的 永遠失去這份感覺

我喜歡 每首陪伴我長大的 流行曲
謝謝您陪我渡過 生命裡的高低起跌
no music no life

假如在未來的日子, 你只可以聽一首歌, 你的主題曲會是那一首呢?
我想... 是明天的太陽

P.P.S. 細蘇好型呀... 唱歌仲好好聽添 :D

Wednesday, June 04, 2008



突然, 又不想返office了

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Song of the Nite: 左邊

最窩心的, 都是一些小事情

左邊 - 蘇打綠
時間往前衝 沖散了你和我
沖散心跳脈搏 回憶寄放窗口

在轉角之後 扣上故事門鎖
請你張開雙手 讓我死在懷中

握你的左手 散落在我手中的是溫柔
曾經給你太多 傷心過 過後總會寬闊

握你的溫柔 散落在我心中的是錯過
我需要寂寞 來撫摸 雨季中百花凋落過後的沉默

握你的左手 散落在我手中的是溫柔
曾經給你太多 傷心過 過後總會寬闊

握你的溫柔 散落在我心中的是錯過
我需要寂寞 來撫摸 雨季中百花凋落過後的沉默


Monday, June 02, 2008


係咪... 大家既工作壓力太大呢?
呢個系列既video要用既咖哩啡頗多, 還有不同場景, 好認真咁

可能, 是行內人渲洩現時地盤制度的一種方式...
張貼video既人兄, 莫非唔怕俾瑞X建築炒魷魚?!?!

雖然好笑, 亦暗暗有點點悲涼的感覺...

Sunday, June 01, 2008


跟我要好的朋友, 都知道我喜歡喝唂咕
其他朋友都覺得奇怪, 他們知道冰室有杏霜卻不知道有唂咕
可是, 現在的茶餐廳都沒這種飲品, 或者都不好喝

沖好喝的唂咕, 是要用好多奶

我記得 我們都加好多好多奶

不知為何, 我好久沒喝唂咕了
不是逃避什麼, 只是總沒適當時候

我想 凡事都有定期

你再喝唂咕時, 會想起我嗎......?
或者, 你已不喝唂咕了