Saturday, March 31, 2007


男朋友的好友長期在內地工作, 老婆為台灣人, 因處理居留事宜需留港一週, 人生路不熟, 又沒有老公照顧, 我當然盡地主之誼, 代為照顧照顧, 順道帶她遊覽香港.

跟她相處數天, 談起她放棄台灣不錯的工作, 嫁到香港, 又因老公要到內地工作, 要跟隨往大陸居住. 我心裡不禁問自己, 我願意為一個我喜歡的人放棄工作、家庭、 朋友, 去一個不熟悉的地方重新生活嗎?

看到大部份的香港女孩, 要男朋友管接管送, 要求這要求那, 倒頭來要她們為所愛的人付出, 又有多少個願意?

再看看身邊男士的'異國情緣', 身旁的女伴都體貼非常, 又不會對男友過份管束, 雖然背景不同, 仍能相處愉快.

如果自己都不肯為人付出, 請不要要求別人為你付出.
我們, 都不是公主

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Self Motivation

Just have a nice dinner with my dearest 'si hang' tonight. It's so nice to have an in-depth chat about our career~

I was being pushed to complete my MSc & started preparing my professional assessment. Actually, deep in my heart I knew I need to start doing all these stuff, but I'm just lack of the self motivation to do so. I am getting more and more lazy!

Anyways, this is the career I have chosen. I have to go for it!!
Si hang, thanks for your encouragement!! :)