Friday, February 29, 2008

This week: EATEATEAT

Jen & Y are having so much this week~
no matter it's Breakfast/Lunch/Brunch/Dinner...

Both of us are getting 'bao bao' face now~ >.<

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Please tell me the truth...
Because I'm addicted to it. Because without it we're animals.


I don't love you anymore.
I don't want to lie and I can't tell the truth so it's over.


I love you.


Show me. Where is this 'love'?
I can't see it, I can't touch it, I can't feel it.
I can hear it, I can hear some words but I can't do anything with your easy words.

Monday, February 25, 2008

After. Hiromi's Sonicbloom @HK Arts Festival

So energetic night and it's what jazz really meant to be!
And it's more than improvisation - fusion of progressive rock, funky, smooth jazz...
I enjoyed so much~ and that's what a live jazz should be

And B's quote of the night:

"No matter how frustrated you are, and how you are fed up with your life, music is always a good companion. It's just so happy just by enjoying a great musical show or listening to a great piece of music."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Baby~!

自從Jen小姐從US回來正式上班後, 我們的Happy Corner又返來啦!
不過, 今次係3缺1.. :(

The most important topic for our happy corner: EAT

Friday, February 22, 2008

一篇由葉青霖blog轉載的文章... 挺值得深思









Lovely Daisy

Daisy is my favourite flower - I used to call them "Tai Yeung Fa Fa" - small & cheerful sunflower, with all sort of colours :)

Tonight, I have made a paper daisy for myself
A sky blue daisy to cheer up myself for an exhausting day

Thursday, February 21, 2008


已經正式落site了, 不過剛開site的關係, 加上'舊債未清', 所以仍然會待在office一陣子.

然而, site亦開始有工作了, 雖然不多但都是很花時間的瑣事...
唉, 結果今天好像什麼事情也沒做好... @.@

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Song of the Nite: She said

A friend sent me this tonite(thanks, I like it very much)
From 下妻物語 OST

SHE Said

In the morning light, she felt a new day coming in
Opened her eyes in her quiet, favorite place
There was no one there to break her heart
There was no one there to make her laugh

And she-
She hid the secrets in a closet in her room
Every time she felt sad... dosen't know since when
Sometimes laughing and crying felt the same
Lying and being honest felt the same

But then, she said, "Life is getting better now"
Just said "Life is getting better now"
Told herself 'cause there's always someone to love
...someone to love

She lied because she loved, but no one ever knew
Puzzles inside her heart was always incomplete
In spite of the things she had let go
For the first time, she liked being herself

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


今天收到好好友於外地工作一個多月以來, 好感性的電郵...
在國內工作的時候, 我也身同感受... 為什麼人人在世上, 可以過這麼兩極的生活

只可以說, 香港是一個福地
我是多麼幸運, 不用為最基本的生活去奔波

所以, 珍惜我所有的...

享受 我現在 一個人的生活 不用怕孤獨怕寂寞
感恩 爸爸媽媽給我的 不用擔心生計 讓我做我喜歡做的
感激 朋友無條件的愛 陪我無聊陪我大笑大哭大吵大鬧 任何時候總在身邊

Monday, February 18, 2008

I feel so tired...

有些感覺, 我已經忘了究竟是怎樣的了.
想太多, 好累.

突然, 好想一個人去看電影...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

This weekend: It's all about LOVE

這個weekend, 一連看了兩齣戲, 為什麼愛情片可以咁extreme?

- P.S. I love You - 哭足全場... 原來最感動最叫人不能忘記的, 都是一些瑣事...
- Love and Other Disasters - 讓人哭笑不得, 但又讓人深思

am trying a pair of shoes, that is not the type i used to wear...
but surprisingly feel so comfortable...
maybe it's worth trying, but let me think thoroughly before deciding if i should buy them...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy SAD/Valentine's Day

Single girls' K party今晚向一片喧嘩之下完滿結束~~
特別鳴謝B先生提供一把靚(男)聲, 你宜家有6個fans啦!! :P

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Photo Hunt

Courtesy of Carmen :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


今晚papa mama去拜年, 於是兩姊弟唯有食自己啦! :P

已經成年無煮飯啦, 一個人0向廚房切切炒炒, 一些舊記憶又湧現...
不過都過去了, 再沒有什麼快不快樂, bygone is bygone.

唔知幾時, 我再可以煮飯仔俾我喜歡的人呢...

Staff Benefits

Funny staff benefits~
Well, i actually prefer working if so...

日公司首推失戀有薪假期 (明報) 02月 12日 星期二

【明報專訊】失戀是許多人的慘痛回憶,日本 一家行銷公司相當貼心,准許剛剛失戀的員工,申請「失戀假」,而且年紀愈大,假期日數愈多。這家公司的老闆認為,「失戀就像生病一樣,當然應該給予員工失戀假」。
提供失戀假的公司叫Hime & Company,去年開始推出有薪失戀假,更妙的是,員工年紀愈大,失戀假的天數愈多。這家公司表示,「20多歲的人很快就可以找到新的戀情;然而30多歲的人,需要的時間比較久,因此假期要較長。」

Monday, February 11, 2008

So much for the New Year!

So much to do in this New Year, though papa & mama left me alone...

- my project (progress too slow...)
- New Year gathering at frank&lingling's home. So warm~~~
- Meet with GEO buddies, thx for your red pockets~
- Great tea with yummy APPLE crumble :D
- Wonderful dinner @TST with my best best friends (w, i'm happy for u)

what a warm new year despite of the cold weather! :)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

My Voyage

so unforgettable~

am looking forward to my next voyage... planning in progress :D

Friday, February 08, 2008

Song of the Day: Hope

Jack Johnson's New Album is released!

Have been waiting for so long... :)

Hope - Jack Johnson

Your shadow walks faster than you
You don’t really know what to do
Do you think that you’re not alone?
You really think that you’re immune to it
It’s going to get the best of you
It’s going to lift you up then let you down

It will defeat you
Then teach you to get back up
After it takes away
All that you learned to love

Your reflection is a blur
Out of focus but in confusion
The frames the sun did burn
At the end of a roll of delusions
A ghost waiting its turn
And now I can see right through it
It’s a warning that nobody heard

It will teach you
To love what you’re afraid of
After it takes away
All that you’ve learned to love

But you don’t
Have to hold your head
Higher than your heart

You better hope you’re not alone

Your echo comes back out of tune
Now you can’t quite get used to it
Reverb is just the room
The problem is that there’s no truth to it
It’s fading away too soon
Your shadow is on the move
And maybe you should be moving too

Before it takes away
All that you’ve learned to love
It will defeat you
Then teach you to get back up

Because you don’t
Have to hold your head
Higher than your heart

You better hope you’re not alone


還是冷一點, 才有過年的氣氛...

不過, 真的好冷啊~~~