Sunday, February 27, 2005


My writing is deteriorating - a reason simple enough for me to start (finally) my own diary.

Another reason driving me to do is I really enjoy reading my friends' diaries. I hope you can enjoy and share my thoughts by reading mine.

I will try writing it in a formal way to brush up my writing skills, so forgive me if you find it 'too formal', and your comments are always welcomed if you find there's any misuse of vocabularies or grammatical errors.

Buddies, just keep an eye on me and see if I can keep this up! :)


Anonymous said...

Keep it up! =)
Find me for dinner when you are free too ar!

Anonymous said...

anyway, Wylie加油啊!! sub-pork-u!!

Anonymous said...

keep it up
seems that u are quite inconsistent with your description.

wylie said...

thx~ i'll keep it up, do leave me message also ar!!

To annoymous: I've already said I'm an inconsistant guy!!!

Anonymous said...

Yo, Wylie, your diaries are super cool! I like this line in your profile "Always lots to say, then forget what she said immediately."!!!

It seems like you've changed a lot! I'll keep updating abt ur life here! You can also read about mine at