Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A good start, 2008!

Just to tell my friends who worried about me... now I'm back safely!
By the way.. it's really not that dangerous as you imagine.
And we've managed to take care of ourselves very well :D

Most importantly, LAOS is a great place to visit! Highly recommended to go there once in a lifetime!!
Hopefully... I would write something about my trip here... if I'm not that lazy :P


真的是一個很好的旅行, 有好漂亮的風景, 好好的旅行buddy, 讓我好好休息一下(雖然旅途也是很累人的)
風景以外, 旅途中遇到很多很多的人和事, 真的令我對人生有另一番領悟.

2008年, 我要好好的生活 - 好好的活給自己看.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

好好的旅行buddy = me!!