Friday, August 31, 2007

I'm EGG the...

I am EGG26.

This year, it's the 34th EGG...
Really feeling old @.@

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I and my neighbouring colleagues finally got our CRT monitors replaced~~~ waited for sooo long as most of the colleagues in my team have got their monitors replaced long long time ago.

It's a very nice 17" LCD~ We were given larger dimension ones as we have to handle lots of images (photos/aerial photos/sketches/blahblahblah...)~~ A good excuse for us to get a nice one!

Finally, my eyes get a better working environment ^^

Monday, August 27, 2007

Tuen Mun Dinner

Very warm Dinner~
I love the home-made bread veryveryvery much!

Thx Uncle, Auntie, Edith & Billy (and "Sweet Potato" too)! :P

P.S. I'll try the home-made bread later~

Sunday, August 26, 2007


原來星期六早上除了廉價戲飛, 行街街都無咁多人! :D
我話既星期六早上, 係指下午一時或以前...

P.S. The Simpsons 真的好抵死, 必看!!
(我看的是英文版, 聽說粵語版也不錯呢)

P.P.S. 十分感謝M的安排, 等我下次帶你去食手打烏冬!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

One More Step to Beijing2008!

Haa... Surprisingly I'm shortlisted to 2nd round for Recruitment of Beijing Olympic Games!

Maybe all people get into this 2nd round.. :P
Beijing, I'm coming!!

Friday, August 24, 2007


我覺得, 有BB既女人最美麗 :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Song of the Day: 百分之八十完美的日子

但到了最後, 我們又剩下些什麼?

百分之八十完美的日子 - 陳綺貞

我捕捉 精彩的畫面
可是一閉上眼 顏色就褪掉了
我穿上 最舒適的T恤
可是一脫下來 身體都僵硬了

我選擇 我最想要的
可是一個人了 反而笑開了
我丟棄 對我最好的
可是一關上燈 全部都回來了

直到有一天 我徹底昏睡了
我太累了 我放開了
直到有一天 我失去了
太矛盾了 (太狼狽了) 眼淚掉下來了

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Question to Earth Science Buddies~~

Question Time:
What is "鮞粒"?


Monday, August 20, 2007


筲箕灣的魚旦河, 大浪灣海灘的陽光, 紅磡原汁原味的漢堡飽
好一個愉快的星期天 :)

謝謝西瓜哥哥+士多啤梨妹妹 =P

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Song of the Day: Nothing Lasts Forever

It is so easy to see
Dysfunction between you and me
We must free up these tired souls
Before the sadness kills us both

I tried and tried to let you know
I love you but I'm letting go
It may not last but I don't know
Just don't know

If you don't know
Then you can't care
And you show up
But you're not there
But I'm waiting
And you want to
Still afraid that I will desert you

With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes it so hard to stay
But nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe
It hurts but it may be the only way

A bed that's warm with memories
Can heal us temporarily
The misbehaving only makes
The ditch between us so damn deep

Built a wall around my heart
I'll never let it fall apart
But strangely I wish secretly
It would fall down while I'm asleep

Tough we have not hit the ground
It doesn't mean we're not still falling
Oh I want so bad to pick you up
But you're still too reluctant to accept my help
What a shame, I hope you find somewhere to place the blame
But until then the fact remains

With every worthless word we get more far away
The distance between us makes you so hard to stay
Nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe
It hurts but it may be the only way


一期一會, 我們一生只有一次相遇的機會, 過後便不再遇上...

近來有很多同事相繼離開公司, 而且都是比較談得來的.
其實我非常幸運, 每次都可在工作的地方能遇到合得來, 談得來, 甚至能交朋友的人.

衷心祝福將要/已離開的你們, 願你們工作及生活愉快.
雖然將來未必能見面, 但要能保持聯絡啊! :)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Enjoy Being Alone :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

After "Secret"

Anyways... We should treasure our times together...

No matter it was sweet or bitter
I did enjoyed a lot.

Nevertheless, I'll keep moving on :D
Bygone is bygone!

Monday, August 13, 2007

For this month...

I suddenly realised that I've done so many things in this 4 weeks:

- Quality time with my many friends (I love u all!!!)
- Wonderful chats & times with my family members
- Reading Books
- Photography
- Badminton
- Drama/Movie go-er
- Buddism Course
- Gym (>2 times per week)
- Being alone (althought it was too little)
- Making myself look nice (it takes quite some time though!!)
- Other mo liu things... (they are too mo liu, I won't let you know :P)

From this month, I knew how strong I can be, and I am the only one who can help myself to get through.
(But credits should still go to my friends around me, who give me endless support!!)

In the coming months, I hope I can enjoy more time being alone.
I know I can do well!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


我們只可以做好今天的自己, 不要計較將來有什麼結果.


好好抓住今天, 好好為自己生活.

Friday, August 10, 2007


本來這幾個星期都係我既話劇週, 點知俾一D特如其來既事打亂晒... >.<

之前錯過了"爆谷殺人狂", 又因為無心機浪費了其實很好看既"一期一會", 今晚終於可以好好欣賞"暗戀桃花源"啦!

雖然不算十分好睇, 總算係有D驚喜 :)

下一齣, 梗係睇謝君豪啦!! 好期待~~

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


今天早上上班之前, 跟媽媽擁抱.

媽媽話, 好快就無事啦, 不過, 下次一定要清醒D.

媽媽, 我愛你.

Lazy Me

Have a nice chat tonight with my old boss dated back in my government years...
Now I have a much clearer ambition on my career, and what I should acquire in the coming years.

Suddenly found that I was too lazy in the past few years... I just enjoyed myself but forgetting what I would like to achieve.

I know I'm not those kind of gals who wants marriage and children only.
Be good to myself. Go for what I would like to be!


Please feel free to take a look at my recent shots, comments are highly welcomed!
Sai Kung Lion Club
Shek Kip Mei & Neon Lights at Nathan Road

Tuesday, August 07, 2007



當然仲有其他親人啦... 佢地唔會七嘴八舌,反而陪住我靜靜去面對.


Sunday, August 05, 2007


Finally... all is over.
He should be out of my mind from today onwards.

W & B, you are my best best best friends forever, thanks for being with me for this long long night :)

W, I still need your hug and shoulders.. at least for sometime more!
B, my hug is available to you if you need :P

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The last day of July 2007

Thanks god! This long month is coming to an end.

To celebrate this, I have a great dinner with my lui~
(yes, I'm your mama again!)

August is coming!
A new start, a new page of life is waiting for me.
Carpe diem!