Saturday, November 19, 2005

Blogging personality

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate
You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My iPod! :<

拾遺不報, 拎我iPod又拎埋我個USB!!!



...希望執到你既人識欣賞我選擇既音樂,咁我個心會安樂d... :<

Friday, November 11, 2005



Tuesday, November 01, 2005

After 17

I was thinking of this song on my way back home...

I've realized we were in TST just now.
Everything appears to be the same, but, we are a bit different from yesterday...


自從那一天起 我自己做決定
自從那一天起 不輕易接受誰的邀請
自從那一天起 聽我說的道理
When I am after 17


自從那一天起 我自己做決定
自從那一天起 不在意誰的否定
自從那一天起 聽我說的道理
When I am after 17
When I am after 17

~After 17 - 陳綺貞

Friday, October 14, 2005


October is a "birthday month" for me. There are so many friends I knew who were born in October!

And today is a special one's birthday, the one who had once so important to me.
I have forgot today is his birthday for a couple of years, and nearly forgot he was once my 'prince'. :)

But it suddenly comes to my brain in this busy morning...
And this is the time I've recalled my tiny bits of memories about him. His pager calls (wow, pager already extincts~~) were really a good support for me, when having the nightmare ALs. And I will never forget my childishness and naive things I did.

I think he's the first one to have a 'special status' in my heart. Thanks for your memories.
(By the way, it seems I'm not so important to him, haha!!!)

It's so nice that we can still keep in touch (although we really seldom talks, or even meet!).
Happy birthday, my special one!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


一日非聽一次不可, 已經整整一星期了!
第一次聽嫌太rock, 但越聽越有意思...




Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Taipei, I'm coming!

It's really great to take a break before the start of the new job.

Taipei, I'm coming, with flu!! (Just caught flu today ya :<) Just hope it won't rain so heavily....

Friday, September 23, 2005

Last day

This is my last day working here, surprisingly I didn't feel so sad leaving here. I'm really looking forward for the new job. Wish me good luck!

But I really miss my colleagues here... It's so great that I've made so many friends in the workplace, in which I've never expected!

Thanks for the memories you have given to me, please keep in touch!

My last day as an EGG

Monday, September 19, 2005

綺貞 . Macau

喜歡綺貞的live, 真的很正!

更棒的是, 原本在露天廣場的免費演唱會, 竟然因天雨關係, 改為在劇場舉行, 等了兩個半小時的我們更可以坐第二行!!!
澳門文化中心的工作人員又安排一個室內的房間讓我們等候, 換了在香港一定由得我們在烈日下曝曬/風吹雨打...
那裡的工作人員真的十分好人, 演唱會後第二天我們再到那裡央求綺貞的poster, 二話不說便給了兩張! :D

綺貞老了, 更有女人味, 但歌聲依然動聽. (還有她新燙的曲髮~)
期待她的新CD, 還有3天~~

my lovely 綺貞

Monday, August 29, 2005



有時不只是三成能力,七成運氣... 如果有十成運氣,有能力與否已變得次要.


Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy yet NERVOUS

Glad that my training is coming to an end in one month's time.
Hurray, no more log book and reports!

Yet another challenge is coming - I'll be in a new job afterwards.
Though really happy, I'm getting a bit nervous after accepting the offer. In the past 3 years, I could seek my colleagues' advice and comments, and they endure my mistakes and wrongs as I'm still a graduate trainee. I'm not sure if I can meet my new boss's expectation and do well on my own.

I really need more confidence.
I should trust my ability, rite?
Cheer up, wylie!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

New Page of Life

As another two of my lunch buddies will leave the office, we had a dinner tonight as some kind of 'farewell' functions.

The dinner was crazy. But we all enjoyed and had a wonderful night. Frankly, we just laughed all the way and didn't know what exactly we ate!

Sadly, they were leaving (some already left) coz of current office policy, but I'm glad that they have their new career, and starting a new journey of life.

Good luck to all of you~

I'll miss our times in GEO!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Album of the Month

Although I no longer have summer vacation, I am really having summer vacation when listened to this album: sunny and relaxing.

The simple arrangement with acoustic guitar gives you a sudden feeling of enjoying the sea breeze at the beach, escaping from the heavy work...

Sunshine is wonderful if you don't need to work!! (especially struggling with awlful site work under the burning sun, oh, I'll out to site tomorrow again!!!!)

Highly recommended: Good People, Belle

Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams

Saturday, July 23, 2005


It's fun to have a review on movies, music and books you've come across.
I just love this idea!

I work very hard for the past 2 days, just to input the film I've watched, and music I've heard.
There's still a lot of movies, songs and books I'd like to read...

to be continued... (for the rest of my life)

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!!!

I have always longed for a movie for this wonderful fiction, and it comes to reality!
It's just soooo great!
I think Tim Burton is the right person for directing this film, who is well-known for his strength in managing highly imaginative stories.
Johnny Deep exactly matches my image of Willy Wonka: weird, strange-looking but smart!

Roald Dahl is my favourite children fiction writer, his stories are simple but always to the point. Thanks to Quentin Blake, you can extend your imagination of the characters through his illustrations.

It would be so great if we can really have: ice-cream that won't melt under the sun, chewing gum with all taste, and the amazing chocolate factory with Oompa-loompas (surely better than Disneyland...)

It'll be showing on 11thAug, still have a month to wait...

Movie website:
(the flash is mavellous!)

Roald Dahl's Official website:

P.S. By the way, my nickname in ICQ comes from one of the character in this story, do check it out! :P

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


五年後再上劇院看話劇, 遙遠的親切感又回來了.




Monday, July 04, 2005


Finally I've got a long weekend without work!
Just sooo great to sleep as much as I could!

Just haven't written for some while. I was busy reading a new book, my review will be coming soon~ so keep check here!

Hope everyone's enjoying this great weekend (with sunshine, finally!)

Finally... lovely clouds!

Sunday, July 03, 2005


This is a forward message received long long time ago. Sometimes, we are doing exactly the same thing towards our friends, or even someone we don't know...

她試著迴避這件事,避免在大庭廣眾發怒。她繼續讀著書,並使勁嚼著餅乾, 看著時間─ ─當那個偷餅賊繼續消耗她的甜餅的時候。時間一分一秒地過去, 她也越來越氣憤,她想:“我要不是這樣寬容,一定當眾讓他出出醜,可惡的偷吃別人餅乾的人!” 
她登上飛機,舒適的坐在座位上,! 然後找到那本快看完的書,當她把手伸進皮包時,她意外而吃驚的摸到了一袋沒有開封的甜餅!!!! 
生活?, 很多人養成了習慣,不斷在以懷疑的眼光審視著身邊的人,哪怕那些和自己一點關係也沒有的陌生人。我們甚至還懷疑自己是否受到了那些善良陌生人的“挑釁和侮辱”。在我們深深地厭惡這些身邊人的時候,是否會想到, 我們也許誤解了他人。…

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I missed the sunbathing weekends we had last year. We woke up early in the morning, drove to the beach, and enjoyed the nap under the wonderful sunshine.

This year, we can have a new place to sunbathe! No need to travel a long way. :)

Just hope it won't rain so heavily during the weekend!!

@Stanley 2004.08.01

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Day 21

Thankz god, still have 21 hours and it's over.

I know, everything will be back to normal.

All I have to do is WAIT...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Day 19






willie, 謝謝你的提醒.


可是一閉上眼 顏色就褪掉了
可是一脫下來 身體都僵硬了

可是一個人呢 反而笑開了
可是一關上燈 全部都回來了

直到有一天 我徹底昏睡了
我太累了 我放開了
直到有一天 我失去了
太矛盾(狼狽)了 眼淚掉下來了

百分之八十完美的日子 - 陳綺貞

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Day 18


1. 樂民村大滑梯
2. 麻麻的豉油雞翼
3. 星期日的茶樓+尖東海濱走廊
4. 麻麻揹著我到街市時,她的樣子與氣味
5. 美國餐廳裡,三叔的咖啡與煙,和我的洋蔥湯的氣味
6. 表哥的"獅子頭"與他的綿羊仔(只是玩具!)
7. 相機快門的聲音
8. 三叔的結他,四叔的小提琴...


Friday, June 10, 2005

Day 17

Ways to cure my illness:

1. 陳綺貞-"還是會寂寞"
2. CLOSER - highly recommended. so bad that i missed it when it was showing...
3. your call!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Day 15

Just miss him more when I am sick~

seems my 'heart' sickness is more serious!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Day 12



喔 難道這就是愛情

Friday, June 03, 2005

Day 10

I think most ladies have experienced the painful long queue in order to 'answer the call of nature' when hanging out. Although hygiene has been improved in the recent years, sometimes we'll avoid using the toilets due to 'wonderful' smell.

The following is an interesting article about public toilets:
By the way, I didn't know there's an association for Toilets, haha.. :)

Adapted from SCMP
Guidelines fail to close the lid on toilet furore

The newly improved ratio between male and female public toilets has failed to please women - and a man has come out in their support.

In a recently released code for new shopping arcades, department stores and entertainment areas, the Buildings Department says the ratio should be increased from 1:1 to 1:1.25 - or five women's toilets for every four for men.

But Hong Kong Federation of Women chairwoman Peggy Lam Pei Yu-dja said yesterday the ratio was insufficient and should be increased. "There just aren't enough toilets for ladies, no matter at the airport or public places," she said. "First of all, shoppers are mainly females. And ladies need more time to use the bathroom. Men can finish their business much quicker."

Hong Kong Toilet Association vice-president Lo Wing-lok said a study last month found the ideal ratio was 1:2. "We observed that on average a man takes 70 seconds while a woman needs 96 seconds," he said. "The 1:1.25 ratio is not enough."

Women's Coalition for Equal Opportunity spokeswoman Christina Wong Wai-yin said the ratio should be based on the amount of time spent by the sexes in toilets.
"Female toilets aren't women-friendly and hygiene is a problem," she said. Women had to "master the skill of sitting on an empty chair" to avoid touching the seat.

A Buildings Department spokesman said the 1:1.25 ratio had been recommended pending completion of a review of regulations.
"There's an urge to improve the [toilet conditions] and we hope the industry will co-operate as soon as possible," he said.
The spokesman said the ratio was based on the present situation and estimated population growth. It could not be enforced by law.
The existing requirements were developed in the late 1950s.

Many major shopping areas have already improved facilities for women. Sun Hung Kai Properties said it had been improving toilets at its malls over the past three years and the ratio at its malls was 1:2.
Swire Properties said the ratio at its Festival Walk, Pacific Place and Cityplaza malls surpass the department's recommendation.

Mrs Lam suggested the city follow Japan's example, where "machines change the toilet seat cover sheet automatically. This is very hygienic".
She also said there should be more space between wash basins to give women more room to do their make-up.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Day 9

As the eldest grandson of my dad's family, and also the eldest in my own family, I never knew my brother has so many pressure because of me. I even dunno he's living under my shadow...

I thought I am always the first one to blame for if I have done anything different from what was done by my parents/uncles/aunts. On the other hand, I have to look after the younger within my family, or set up a 'good example' for them to follow. Now I realized my brother had shared a similar burden just like what I have. I'm not a responsible sister...

I should have known it earlier... promise will talk and share more with him.

Just visit my friend's blog, totally agree with what she said!
visit here=> 老人精

Monday, May 30, 2005

Day 6


Bobo, 多謝你今晚陪我成晚發0翁瘋呀, 真係好感動 :D




Saturday, May 28, 2005

Day 4

Study for the whole afternoon in the hot office (almost suffocated when I was about to leave, can I request for purchase of air-conditioning??), so I go to HMV for window shopping to reward myself.

I was attracted by Coldplay's new singles, "Speed of Sound", which released 18months after their last album. Their thrid album, "X&Y", will be released in early June.

As quoted from Chris Martin (vocal), "The songs are huge. The music is sometimes quiet and intimate but at other times builds to a massive, layered sound that breaks new ground for Coldplay. The lyrics are about big subjects like life and death, love and loss, about being fascinated by the world around us but also about accepting that something can never be fully understood. In mathematics X and Y were always the answers, but in life no one knows. The album is about those unanswerable questions, and what you should do about the fact that you can't explain all the unknown variables." (

Yes, in life there's no definite answer. Looking from another perspective, there are too much variables to make our lives unique from one another. What we can do is to enjoy at its most, and seize our days.

Just share with you one of the songs in their singles:

Things I don't understand
how tides control the sea
and what becomes of me
how little things can slip out of your hands

how often people change
no two remain the same
why things dont always turn out as you plan
these are things that i dont understand
yea these are things that i dont understand

and i cant decide
wrong from right
oh my day from night
oh the dark from light
but i love this life

how infinite is space
and who decides your fate
why everything will dissolve into sand

how to avoid defeat
where truth and fiction meet
why nothing ever turns out as you plan
these are things that i dont understand
yea these are things that i dont understand

and i cant decide
wrong from right
oh my day from night
oh the dark from light
but i love this life

Friday, May 27, 2005

Day 3

The rain is so heavy tonight.
What's more, this is the first time I saw lightning, while I was in open space.

Though frightening, the flash of light is beautiful. When the light stikes through the dark sky, it lightens the sky but yet it can be very dangerous. How amazing it is!

Unluckily I didn't bring the camera! Maybe take a look at pics taken from others!

Haa, I'm very passionate these days... :P

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Day 1

I'd like you to know, though I always say "I miss you", this is the first time I whole heartedly say so.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your holidays and have a nice trip.

My mind keeps playing this song for the whole day...

早已忘了想你的滋味是什麼 因為每分每秒都被你佔據在心中
你的一舉一動牽扯在我生活的隙縫 誰能告訴我離開你的我會有多自由 ...

Monday, May 16, 2005

Our promise

When we had our field trip to Cyprus 4 years ago, we promised we'll meet again in Cyprus in 2005.

Time flies... I'm not sure if we've had too much expectation on ourselves previously...
So easy to go everywhere we like not long ago, but now... so much you need to consider!
Just 4 years have passed by, but I can feel the heavy burden deep inside me... that's not what I would have expected 4 years ago.

Angel suggests we should meet in next year. I'd really like to go with you guys, you all are the best companion for travel, but... frankly I'm really not sure where I am, and what will I be the next year.

Hope I have enough $ and holiday to go next year~

The good old days...I look much younger... (jot me a message if you can't spot me!)

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Crazy gals meet

Just haven't meet for a long time! Thx for Joyee's organization plus her marvellous exhibition. I'm proud of you, Joyee!!! :)

J's model

Mr. C's model

And yet, we are still crazy and noisy, just dunno why it's always like that when we get together, haha... are we still doing the same when we get old?!

Grace's new hair style~

Wan Chai Camp

Nice photos of our wild camp to Wan Chai on 30Apr.
We were kept disturbed by the cows in the whole camp. They are really naughty (We called them "不良牛")!!
By the way.... it's not the Wan Chai in HK Island, it's in Sai Kung!!

On the way to Wan Chai... (U can know the speed of the boat from the waves generated... so lucky that we arrived the destination safely!!)

Enjoying our hot pot dinner!

Our dinner being destroyed by the naughty cows... >.<

Breakfast time! (see their sleepy eyes, we were disturbed by murmuring from cows... the cows were having rave party the whole night!)

The funny mushroom growing at the camp site (Dunno if it's poisonous... anyway the cows dun eat them but prefer our food!)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


It's so tiring to make your home sweet home...
My legs keep aching the whole day after working for two days (just furishing the walls)!

Famous Star's Hand!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Just stay at home to revise for my AGE interview this Thur.

Time flies... I was just flipping over my notes 2 years ago. I didn't realize I was once so enthusiastic when I just joined the Graduate training...
I'm not clear what I want to do, or what I want to pursue.
After my MSc exam, I should really think about what I wanna be...

Suddenly think of this song:
讓我想一想 - 陳綺貞

漫步在荒原 我想找一棵棲身的樹
有陽光 有流水 還有微風吹
該如何面對 這未知的一切
隨著天色的改變 心情的外衣也要多加一件

這些對 那些好 我想追 我想逃

隔著玻璃窗 我早已沈醉在藍色的街
有寂寞 有笑語 還有看不見的雪
該如何整理 這忙亂的城市
躲在十二月熱鬧的夜 我只要一個人 安安靜靜地

什麼對 什麼好 不要問 不要猜

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Sense of belongings?

The tiny bit of sense of belongings to my organization has lost.

As a trainee in my organization, it is usual for others to exclude me from theworkforce. I am, however, annoyed by the different status between contract and permanent staff. Regardless of income and benefits, contract staff is being excluded from the establishment of the division in current policy. That is part of the reason why our division has so limited space (the space granted is according to the number of permanent staff in the division), consequently all our colleagues in the division have to be crowded together as there is significant amount of contract staff.

In terms of workload, contract staff shared the same amount. But there is not even a place for them to work! How sarcastic is the whole matter!

I am just pissed off. Not until the administrative people review this matter,they can no long attract high calibre people to the organization.

Oh... by the way, they don't need to attract people to join the workforce anymore.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Song of the Day - Little Girl Blue

Few of my U-mates love Jazz, and that was the time I fell in love with it. (Certainly I was heavily influenced by my ex, but that's a good one! :P)

The marvellous thing that Jazz brought to you is its variety - different performers can play the same song in a completely different way, thus giving a completely new flavours to the song.

And I just like to listen to female jazz vocals. Different vocals have their styles and you can always have new feelings on the same songs.
(To people who seldom listen to jazz: there are some jazz standard songs that are "must-sing", so you'll hear the same song sang by different singers, which is very different from pop songs)

So, from now on I'll share with you some songs (especially jazz ones) that I like, just jot me a message if you feel interested in the song. :)

Today I'll like to introduce to you a jazz song called "Little Girl Blue", sang by Stacey Kent. This is indeed a sad song, but I am really touched by the lyrics.
Maybe I found I'm not young anymore...

Little Girl Blue
When I was very young
The world was younger than I
As merry as a carousel

The circus tent was strung
With every star in the sky
Above the ring I loved so well

Now the young world has grown old
Gone are the tinsel and gold

Sit there, and count your fingers
What can you do?
Old girl, you're through
Sit there, and count your little fingers
Unlucky, litle girl blue

Sit there, and count the raindrops
Falling on you
It's time you knew
All you can count on is the raindrops
That fall on little girl blue

No use, old girl
You may as well surrender
Your hope is getting slender
Why won't somebody send a tender
Blue boy
To cheer up little girl blue?

Friday, March 25, 2005

Easter holiday (1)

One of the longest holiday of the year...

A good day with my colleagues and friend, especially playing Monopoly (just haven't played for ages!!). Suddenly I felt I'm much younger, haha...

Hope all of you are having a nice Easter holiday!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

my snaps!

Just to announce I've opened a new blog for putting my snaps (you can also find the link on the bottom right):

Please visit them and your comments are always welcomed!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tree Cotton

When I was small (actually not really small, should be during my teenage years) I remembered mama would picked the tree cotton flower in the summertime, for making soup after the flower was sun-dried... in order to remove 'wetness' from your body during wet seasons.

In the past I just hated those fallen tree cotton flowers, making the ground so dirty and you need to 'bounce around' to prevent stepping on them.

I have never noticed tree cotton are so beautiful, until I saw them on the bus on my way to work yesterday. They give a different 'taste' to the tree cotton, which is dull and lonely trucks when there's nothing on it.

Just take a look how beautiful they are! (hope they won't fall off so soon...)

Tree cotton dressed in red... longing for the summertime~

Old estate, old trees... will they be gone soon?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Sweeties gathering

Again a nice and relaxing gathering, although this time just four of us were available...

And, thx for all your suggestions... i really need to consider what is the best for me!

Same smile~ :)

Friday, March 18, 2005

Simple Love

To love someone is a simple feeling, but as your feeling towards someone 'builds up' it starts to get complicated – to an extent that sometimes you doubt whether you are in love anymore.

For an emotional idiot like me, I have sometimes thought too much even everything's fine. I have too many expectations and projections on someone, somehow making myself uneasy, while there's nothing wrong happened. I started to get suspicious of every of his act and lose my temper easily.

Just wanna jot this down when I'm conscience, and as a reminder to myself. Love is just simple – there's no need to make any sophisticated thought, and put myself in hell.

Agree, my dear?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

EGG's last stop

I'm staying in-house for my design training! This is my last stop of my 3-year training.
(To those who cannot figure out what I am doing: throughout my training I need to post to different divisions within my department or private civil engineering firms to gain my training experience... so a bit like Gipsy...)

Frankly, to be seconded to private firms will be a good way to gain hands-on work experience, and a good way to have a feel of the 'dynamic' of the industry. But given that my training will last for 6 months only, I will be leaving the firm after I have get used to the working environment. Consequently, I am not be able to get full use of my time in acquiring required skills.

Though the scope of job is more limited in-house, I think it's better for me to equip with basic and simpler projects before I can work on sophisticated tasks.

What's more, I need not move my belongings to far far away... just one floor downstairs! :P

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I just feel glad!

Hey, I just wanna say a big thanks to all of you, who 'keep track' of my OD everyday. :)
Hope you can enjoy here !

You know, ade, i really can't imagine u'll jot me a line, and there's more than one, hee, anyway, i love your words :D

5, just wanna say "I missss you so!!!". I feel so happy to see your comments here! I just missed our times in GHS!

I should really hold our 5F gathering la... hope my good hope sweeties are getting more smart and beautiful ("a mature lady" as said by Helen Law.. haha)

Saturday, March 12, 2005


This is the most interesting CPD I've ever attended. Although I felt asleep in one or two sessions... :P

Today's CPD titled "Use of Natural Materials in Hong Kong's Engineering and Building Development". Other than technical aspects like testing of aggregates in cement and alkali-silica reaction in concrete, there were some sessions that relates to the use of Hong Kong's natural materials in the past, such as ore extraction (there are no mines in Hong Kong anymore!), reclamation development(with emphasis on the use of marine sand), and quarrying techniques dated back from pre-colonical times.

More interestingly, the speakers for these 'Hong Kong's History' sessions are foreigners! (Should I say it's sad?!) I think we native Hong Kong citizens should really know more about the history of our land, a place with lots of amazing "East meets West" stories.

Wanna know more about our place in our parents or grand grand parents 'good old days'? I think the best is to start with museums. The Hong Kong Museum of History and The Hong Kong Heritage Museums have excellent permanent exhibitions about our place. Just check out the following links:

Hong Kong Museum of History
check out the permanent exhibition "The Hong Kong Story":

Hong Kong Heritage Museum
my recommendation: new town development in Hong Kong

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Self evaluation

I need to write a summary for my AGE application.

Frankly speaking, I think I didn't do well for my entire training period, mainly due to laziness and I'm always slow at work.... but yet I found that I've gained quite a lot during the time.

Mapping is the best thing I've gained in the meantime. Back to the school days, I was just hanged out and played around... But now I really, at least, know and understand what is mapping. By the way, this skills really needs experience. I'm just at the starting point! :P

For better or worst, I will continue to work hard for the rest of my training. :)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


It was a nice chat tonight.

It's so comfortable to talk about everything with you, just like the good old days.

I'm really glad that you are doing well.
Add oil and I'll support you always. :)

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Pics for today

Just wanna post some pics here...

This is taken during my hike to Mount Butler. Nice scenary of the Eastern Kowloon.

East Kowloon View from Jardine's Lookout
Posted by Hello

This two snapshots are from the same bus stop:

The Arch 1
Posted by Hello

The Arch 2
Posted by Hello
Property developer really puts a lot on their ads! :P

Saturday, March 05, 2005


I helped with my department's exhibition held in a shopping centre today. I and my colleagues was responsible for a game booth with computer games for kids. Souvenirs (very stereotyped ones) were given when people 'wins' the game (and we gave them anyway :P).

Although I don't think the game is fun, the kids did enjoy in the game, and were happy with the souvenirs. By the way, children were just 'playing' without really knowing the aim of these games (although I've tried hard in explaining the reasons for the games, yet nobody noticed... sigh).

Kids these days are often nasty and disgusting, to name some:
1. rude and without courtesy - they just took the sourvenirs after playing the games without asking, seems they had the right to take everything that's free;
2. greedy - played the games for dozens of times to get lots of pens, erasers (the sourvenirs) and told us they just want to 'save money'.

I'm sure these behaviours aren't in-born. I have also met some well-mannered, polite and nice children on the day. However, i felt so sad that there are just few of them.

Frankly, children are just a 'photocopier': they saw how their parents or people nearby behave, and just do the same. To be parents are more than giving the physical needs to the children, you need to teach them - the right behaviour, the attitude towards life, and the courage to face difficulties and challenge.

Before deciding of having a child with your loved ones, I hope everyone can have a thorough hesitation. Your sacrifice and love are the prerequisite.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


The coming months will be very busy... report, exam and AGE interview...

Hope I can be more concentrated on my work and study.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Mid-twenties Crisis

According to my colleague next door (who is already 28, oh... hope he's not reading this :P), you will have some kind of 'crisis' in one's late twenties, when you think you are no longer young very suddenly...

I'm not sure if I will have the same feeling (let's wait and see, hee...), but i'm a bit 'lost' in these two years, that I'm not able to explain how and why. I felt I'm less ambitious than before and I'm not so hard-working in my work.

Just want to know if anyone feels the same...

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Live alone

My friend will move to his new home soon, so we did some window shopping for some thoughts of the setting and layout of his new 'sweet' home.

It's really enjoyable to shop around, and discuss how the new home will be like (Anyway, seems that I just like shopping :P), but it's just the beginning. What's more, there's much more out there you need to sort out, and they are of no fun. To name a few:
(1) Application for electricity/water supplies/towngas/telephone line;
(2) Notify the change of your correspondance address;
(3) MOVING!!

After all the above are settled, when you think you can start your new life, some nightmares may be waiting for you: clothes washing, cooking (maybe it's fun for someone, but think of cooking after your tiring work...), house tidying, household goods shopping... you will find it's no longer that enjoyable to live alone.

Even so, I do think living alone is a good experience for us. Living with family, we have always someone to rely on.

For me, I'm not prepared to live alone. I still want to rely on mum for her delicous meals and more! :)


My writing is deteriorating - a reason simple enough for me to start (finally) my own diary.

Another reason driving me to do is I really enjoy reading my friends' diaries. I hope you can enjoy and share my thoughts by reading mine.

I will try writing it in a formal way to brush up my writing skills, so forgive me if you find it 'too formal', and your comments are always welcomed if you find there's any misuse of vocabularies or grammatical errors.

Buddies, just keep an eye on me and see if I can keep this up! :)